πŸ“‰ How to set a baseline year

Before you can set a target, you must first set a baseline year. This guide shows you how.

Jordan Edrich avatar
Written by Jordan Edrich
Updated over a week ago

What is a baseline year?

If the target your business chooses for itself is the finish line, then your baseline year is the starting line. As annual carbon footprints are the most appropriate for setting targets, we require at least one year of data to set as the point of departure for your business's reduction journey.

Step by step

Step 1 - Navigate to the 'Baseline Year' page

Find the baseline year in the left-hand navigation panel on the dashboard, or from within the Targeting tab.

Step 2 - Choose your year and complete all 5 modules

Select your chosen baseline year from the dropdown and complete all sections. For guidance on completing these sections you, can refer to the 'How to complete your operations profile' guide.

Step 3 - Review your baseline summary page

On submitting the data for your baseline year, you can review a summary page which breaks down your carbon footprint.

And that's it πŸŽ‰ - Congratulations, you've set your baseline year!

Wondering what to do next?

Now you've set a baseline year, you can proceed to set a target. If you'd like some help to complete this step, check out the 'How to set a target' guide in this getting started series.

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